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How to make your CV stand out in 2015

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The UK unemployment rate fell to 1.9 million earlier this year and David Cameron later announced that more people are now in work than ever before since employment records began in 1971. So it’s evident that 2015 is set to be a strong and successful year for working professionals. But will getting a job be easier than it was before?

Perhaps. With the improving economy and increasing wages, could businesses be looking for a higher calibre of business managers? Could they be looking for people with very specific sets of skills or niche areas of knowledge? The competition may be lesser in volume. But when it comes to levels of expertise, rivalry can still be tough. Here are five ways to make your CV stand out in 2015.

1. Leadership skills

With more money being pumped into recruitment and rising wages, companies are now looking for the best possible person for the job, not the cheapest. So this means that the CVs which get noticed are the ones with clear demonstration of leadership. If you have never worked in a managerial role, make sure you show leadership skills in other ways; such as team leadership at work, leadership in a group/charity/organisation or demonstrate how much teamwork has been involved in your previous role.

2. Digital skills

Digital skills are more crucial than ever. The importance of being computer literate is now apparent in every line of work, from manual labour and retail to B2B. Very few businesses operate without a website or email, and even very manual roles such as ‘Factory Manager’ or ‘Garment Technologist’ require basic computer skills. Advanced digital skills are also extremely sought after this year as budgets increase for marketing and online optimisation. More and more companies will also invest in in-house digital teams instead of outsourcing.

3. Apprenticeships and work experience

One of the most important factors for graduates and entry level applicants is showing that they have relevant work experience. Apprenticeships are fantastic at displaying a candidate’s consistent training and dedication to a certain role or skill, whilst work experience can show a candidate’s willingness to learn. If you know what industry or specific role you are interested in getting into, it’s important to make your work experience as relevant as possible.

4. Official training

There are some roles which may benefit from having additional training. Whether you do this through your current role or on your own time, a training course could really give your CV a point of difference when being compared to other CVs with similar experience. If you feel that you are lacking in other areas such as leadership or qualifications, a training course could help boost your chances. But be sure to find a training course which is relevant to your niche (e.g. Redcliffe Training for banking and finance).

5. Technical knowledge

Many employers can look beyond experience or university degrees, especially if you can demonstrate your technical knowledge. This is something which can be expanded in your interview (if you get invited) but you can also use your CV to convey this. If you’re competent in various programs, platforms, applications or business processes, be sure to include these in the document.

For tips on formatting your CV and choosing the right information to include, visit Undercover Recruiter. What tips do you have on how to make your CV stand out?

Photo: Iskandar Shah / Flickr

Sam GreenHow to make your CV stand out in 2015

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