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Surviving a long-distance relationship at university

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In today’s world, long distance relationships are becoming increasingly easier. People now have the ability to talk to anyone regularly through multiple means, and the low cost of flights means that seeing each other regularly is a viable concept. But all that can change at university, which seems to be a strange and insular world where a whole different set of rules apply.

Get that balance

The most important thing for both people is to find a balance. You don’t want to forget that you’re together, but you don’t want to spend your year abroad on Skype! Depending on the couple, seeing each other (albeit virtually) once a week or so should be enough. And with WhatsApp and Facebook making international communication easy, it’s unlikely you’ll feel abandoned.

Have a break

Of course, the distance (and time difference) will matter immensely. A couple with only the channel separating them will fare much better than a couple that are continents apart. An option for those who are feeling daunted is to break up on a temporary basis. This allows everyone to enjoy themselves but still feel a loose sense of togetherness. But make sure the terms of the situation are clear! It’s unfair to call it quits, but still expect monogamy.

Not for everyone

Some couples simply may not be able to handle the strain. Going from a world in which seeing each other is easy to one where Skype every so often is probably the best on offer won’t be simple, and students don’t exactly have the financial clout to visit each other often. If you do find that it isn’t working, be honest. Both to yourself and your partner. Although you should wait until you’re seeing each other face to face, you need to take care of it as quickly as possible – it’s just not fair to everyone involved.

Although everything may seem stacked against you, don’t despair! There are plenty of couples who make it through long distance relationships and emerge stronger than ever. Just utilise your time effectively; communicate regularly but don’t suffocate each other, and make time for them if and when you ever find yourself in the same place. The best thing you can do is take each day as it comes. Try not to get caught up in questions about the future and enjoy yourself. It’s only a year, and it could be the best thing for both of you.

Do you have any tips for surviving a long-distance relationship at university? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo: Jennifer Donley / Flickr

Nicholas BuxeySurviving a long-distance relationship at university

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