Careers Advice Blog

How to know whether you need to go back to school as an adult

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There are many reasons why someone might want to head back to school to further his or her education. Some people simply love learning, and others may want to advance their knowledge base further in order to secure better jobs in the future. Regardless of the reasoning, this is a big decision to make. Through the process of making a final decision, let’s talk about how you can decide if you should go back to school as an adult.

Consider your personal circumstances

Take a look at your current life situation. Do you have children that you need to budget your time with? Is your job a typical 40 hours per week, or do you have a job that is taking up 50 or almost 60 hours per week? You also need to consider what your current budget looks like. You may not even be able to afford going back to school at this point in your life. Your current personal circumstances may very well make your decision for you.

New opportunities in your current field

You may have hit the ceiling when it comes to the types of jobs for which you qualify. If you have been looking to advance your career for a number of years now but haven’t been able to, it might be because you don’t possess the proper degree in order to qualify. This is something you can discuss with your potential school or university of choice.

Are you changing occupations?

Going back to school to get a degree that proves you are ready to enter a new field of employment can be a wise decision depending on the industry you’re trying to break into. Even if you have been working in the same field for years, you might not be able to use your current educational degree in order to get a different job in a different sector. You may be required to start over. For example, your current degree in the medical field likely won’t be beneficial when looking for an engineering job.

If you’re thinking about going back to school or university, take the time that you need in order to make this decision. There are likely many different factors that you’re considering in order to ensure this is going to be a good decision for the long term.

Would you go back to school as an adult? Tell us your views in the comments section below.

Eileen O'ShanassyHow to know whether you need to go back to school as an adult

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