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On the job market, you need to show not tell

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I just don’t get it is a common complaint after failing to win a position even though you thought the interview went spectacularly. It went fantastic, and they seemed impressed. I know I said all the right things and answered their questions correctly. Why wasn’t I chosen? This could’ve happened for numerous reasons. However, the most likely cause is that you told them what you could bring, and you didn’t show them. If you can’t show a potential employer what you can offer, they simply have to take your word for it. Most won’t do that; they’ll want the evidence so you need to know how to provide it. Here’re our tips on that front.

Evidence Of Training

You need to provide evidence of training, and that’s perhaps the easiest example of showing what you can offer. All you need to do is set up a portfolio online through a business program. A CPD or continued professional development plan can highlight how far you have come. It will have a record of all your training and the courses that you have been on. You will then be able to present this at an interview or even before hand. Potential employers will be able to check your CPD before they recruit you for a position. It puts you in a stronger position against other candidates.

Evidence Of Experience

There is a great debate about how big a CV or resume should be. If it’s too big than a recruiter could be overwhelmed by the amount of information. There’s a danger to not including enough information as well. It could show that you have little experience. Or worse, suggest there are gaps in your employment history. Both could be detrimental when securing a job. Our advice is to go back a year if you have had more than one position. Anything earlier than this, you can fill in with the minimum detail. Don’t forget to provide several references as well. That way, employers will be able to learn of your experience first hand.

Evidence Of Work

You may wish to create a portfolio for attempting to get a job in certain industries. Anything related to art or creativity is worth considering setting up a portfolio online. A great example is the journalism industry. If you are hoping to become a journalist, you should get a blog started and post articles each day. This demonstrates ambition and independence in an incredibly competitive industry. It’s one thing to say that you can provide great work for the business. It’s quite another to be able to provide evidence of this with articles.

Evidence Of Character

Finally, you must make sure that your social profiles are squeaky clean. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your personal life and your business character can be kept separate. Employers commonly check profiles and social networks before they hire a new worker. They will not risk something embarrassing coming to light after they have hired them for the position.


Career CamelOn the job market, you need to show not tell

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